Thursday, December 9, 2010


This article simply talks about engineering jobs, especially for electrical engineering. First of all, the article explains that engineers’ jobs are everywhere, but in the beginning engineering careers are very hard. And that requires an education. And the education at least takes four to five years. And during these years you must struggle to move forward and be in the best situation after school and education. Also it talks about the work and what is your available selection, and where you are going to work. Most of the electrical engineering work is for companies, and that provides you with many good things, such as the benefit and the salary. But on the other side there are undesirable things, such as the repetition, and you maybe will not be in the way or situation that you like or wish to be.

Indeed the article gave correct information about engineering. I really agree with the article. Getting started in an engineering career is very hard and this is also what the article said, and I completely agree with that and not only in the beginning in the engineering careers is very hard, in my opinion, in the beginning in everything is very hard. Also engineering school takes at least four to five years, and you really must struggle and work hard in classes to move forward. Also about getting the jobs, I really agree with the article, most engineers work is for companies. But some of them complete higher education.


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